Liability protection for you
Wheelers members are strongly advised to have adequate public liability insurance for both racing and riding. It is a Club time trial rule that you must have one of these public liability (PL) insurances in place to compete in Club time trials:
Rule 4.1.1. All members competing in time trials shall be British Cycling, British Triathlon or Cycling UK members for Public Liability Insurance and Legal benefits.
Check with these governing bodies what legal support and assistance they offer members. If someone else causes an accident in which you are involved they the NGB may provide legal support and assist you with a claim against a third party.
This tariff below indicates what the National Governing Bodies (NGB's) offer to adequately cover you for the above rule.
British Cycling (BC) memberships - Member £50.00 Premium £80.00. Supporter membership is free, but has no insurance benefits. This is a BC Membership comparison table.
Cycling UK (CUK) Membership - Individual £52.00 Concessionary £34.00
British Triathlon Membership - Ultimate - £92.00 Core £66.00 Essential £31.00
With the BC Premium membership, personal accident insurance is also included in the benefits. The limit of liability in any one case for British Cycling is £20m, British Triathlon is £15m and Cycling UK is £10m. One area that is not covered under BC insurance is a member to member claim. This is somewhat historic to prevent a claim from a race incident where speeds and risks are higher.
Cycling Time Trials offers public liability insurance, but the insurance only covers you when racing, not when warming up or warming down, or riding to or from the event. The wording is rather vague and is primarily in place to protect the race organiser, race officials, volunteers and marshals from claims made by members of the public. Cover also extends to claims between competitors, but again the wording is vague and appears to only protect officials against those claims. This is why it is important to ensure that you as a rider are covered by one of the NGB’s above when racing CTT events. You don't need to be a member of CTT for the PL insurance mentioned.
Both the British Masters Cycle Racing (BMCR) and The League International (TLI) offer Public Liability (PL) insurance as a membership benefit, with the limit of liability in any one case for BMCR £5m and TLI £10m. As they are volunteer organisations, they may not offer the same HQ staff assistance for claims that the National Governing Bodies do listed in the first paragraph.