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Centenary celebrations

Saturday 13 May – the club launches its centenary celebrations at Twenty One, Pier Approach, Western Esplanade. Attended by theMayor of Southend, Councillor’s from Southend and Castle Point, Past winners and riders who have competed along the seafront and club members, came to celebrate Southend Wheelers rich cycling history along the seafront.

Sunday 14 May – the celebrations continued at the club room. Past members joined current members on the club rides, meeting after to view albums of historic press cuttings and photographs over tea/coffee and cake.

Sunday 21 May – The ride that never was…

In May 1923 an advert appeared in the Southend Standard newspaper (the Echo’s predecessor), inviting cyclists to join a ride to Epping Forest, sadly they only reached Hockley Woods on the day.

100 years later and departing from the same spot as their forerunners, where once was situated Tommy Heath bike shop (near Victoria Station, Victoria Avenue), over 30 members of the Wheelers came together to celebrate that first club run and complete the 41-mile ride to the King's Oak Café, Epping Forest, for refreshment’s. Setting off in three groups, one group added some extra mileage to complete a 100-miles round trip, in acknowledgement to the number of years that the club has been in existence. The second group completed the 82-mile round trip back to Southend whilst the third group of riders made use of transport laid on by the club, swapping two wheels for four on the return leg.

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